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Open letter to Dr. Kem Ley on the 3rd anniversary

Open letter to Dr. Kem Ley on the 3rd anniversary

Cambodian need a real democracy system and freedom now,so God help us please

What is freedom?and why Cambodian pple want to make this change happen from fascist regime to a real road DEMOCRACY system.The concept of freedom means different things to all different pple,depending on the level of freedom that u have in your life most pple when they think of definition of freedom,they think of Liberty,which includes freedom of speech,but most"Cambodian don't have one today".The definition of Liberty is having the ability to act according to your own will,a long as it doesn't affect the ability to someone else to act according to their own will,Most rational pple would agreed that this is the way that a society should function.American freedom the American founding fathers felts that this concept was of utmost most importance when they were deciding what the usa would be,and how it would function.So much is that they wrote this line onto to second paragraph of"THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE"we hold this truths to be self-evidence that all men are created equal,that they are endowed by their creator when certain unalienable rights,that among these are Life,Liberty and pursuit of happiness.That to secure rhe rights govm't are instituted among men,delivering their just power from the consent of the governed.The importance of this paragraph is the basis for our system of our govm't,that is what set the united states..A perfect from all other countries in the world.

Nov 17, 2019 03:22 PM

Kem Ley's wife blessing the foreign attorney held Hun Sen accountable and deserve a justice for all innocent victims families

Kem Ley said before the last day of his life gun down at"Star Mat gas station"he got dozens threaten calling,left messages in day-night time,and he's been told his beloved wife that he can't survive for tomorrow after the sun rise or has no time to take care all of you here and our 5 innocent children"so u"wife" have to take them after me and good luck to u all".And an evil man who called and toll him,u have to wear a steel helmet,if u don't stop...u would be go to hell"HS said"tomorrow morning.But,after K.Ley death,his wife Bou Rachna said;she didn't believed or trusts to this apartheid ruler at all"HS",is not the first time of criminal minds Hun Sen has been done to her husband"ton of crimes unsolved mystery out there"and then they tried to threaten her and 5 children everyday and night,that why she made last decision time to fled and hided in safety place.Innocent victims wife who took justice into her own hands"directly to Hun Sen",and she said;justice Not politics;hold HS accountable for misconduct in wrongful convictions.Judges,prosecutors,and defense attorneys are rarely held accountable for misconduct even when it is proven that their actions have been responsible for wrongful conviction.As a result,the families and individuals irreparable harmed by their collective judicial malfeasance have no legal resource or punitive remedies available.

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